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Pool ServiceGot Algae?

We can help!

Algae Clean Up Costs $75 to $250.

Heart My Pool charges a clean up fee based on the level of algae present your pool:

$75: Your pool is blue, but there is a fair amount of Algae you can see on the walls, steps and/or bottom of the pool.
$100: Your pool is green, but you can see the main drain cover so the water is still clear.
$125: Your pool is green, you may be able to see the bottom of the stairs, but there are no massive chunks of algae present.
$250: Your pool is really bad. You just bought the house and there are more dead frogs in your pool than the local pond.

These prices include: shocking the pool, 3 to 10 visits, 1 to 3 skim vaccuums, DE powder when we do a backwash, floc & phosphate removal.

If you sign up for service, we take off $25 off the prices above!

Before & After – Sweet!

Before & After 2016

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